Sunday, March 9, 2008

We brought snow to Texas!

Much to our surprise we got a quick blast of snow on Wednesday. Carson and I were ecstatic! He and I have been praying for snow. So God answered our prayers with about 3 inches of snow. In fact more snow than they've seen in years. The little girl next store told us that she hadn't seen this much snow in her whole life. We lived it up with a snow ball flight, snow angels and even a snow man. Chris and Colton did not share in our sentiment. Chris said that he thought we moved away from the cold. And Colton pretty much hated it. I don't think he is use to the cold. Well it's back in the seventies just a couple days later, but we enjoyed it while it lasted.


steph said...

Looks like you had a blast! The boys are getting so big! I'm happy you are settling well in the big TX! I love reading your blog so keep posting!

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

I am so happy you have a blogspot too! Now we can for sure keep in great contact! Love the new home and the boys are just adorable! Good to hear from you!

Pamela said...

Wow, I can't believe how much Carson and Colton look alike! Your house is absolutely gorgeous. How odd that it snowed in Texas! Love seeing the pics! :)
love ya

Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

I want to see some new posts and pictures!!